Health Care

Health Care

Health care is a topic that can be confusing for many. Wrought with acronyms and processes that are unfamiliar to most, it can be a challenge to bridge the communication gap between professionals in the industry and the consumers or patients they serve.

Health care is a topic that can be confusing for many. Wrought with acronyms and processes that are unfamiliar to most, it can be a challenge to bridge the communication gap between professionals in the industry and the consumers or patients they serve.

That’s where Suasion comes in. We are adept at understanding the lingo, terminology and the way health care works and then interpreting those messages into a language all people will understand.

From health education organizations and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC’s) to primary and specialty care providers and hospitals, our clients represent a multitude of health-related environments.

Here are other ways we support those in health care:

Writing for low health literacy.

Independent from measures of overall literacy level, many people have low health literacy. In fact, studies have shown that nearly half of the US population has difficulty understanding and using health information. Suasion staff has been especially trained to develop communications that patients understand.

Activate patients and consumers.

Simply providing educational content to patients or consumers is not enough; you must also move them to action. Suasion is experienced in conducting social marketing campaigns that change behaviors.

Conduct patient satisfaction studies.

Our patient satisfaction studies include recommendations on improving satisfaction and retaining patients. We also are experienced in utilizing the CAHPS surveys instituted by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Provide doctor-patient relations training.

We provide training for doctors and other health care providers to help them improve their communications with patients. With the pressure to see as many patients as possible during the day, it is often difficult to spend as much time as one would like with patients. However, we can teach doctors how to maximize that time and show patients they are getting the best interaction possible.

Provide customer service training to staff.

Front line and office staff often set the tone of patient encounters. We provide training to help the staff deal with difficult patients, provide the best services possible, and manage their own stress in a busy practice environment.

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